Instructions: eVideo Resource Library Post | National Association of Hotel & Lodging Engineers

Instructions: eVideo Resource Library Post

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1) Identify your video on YouTube (only)

2) While on the YouTube page with the corporate vendor or manufacturer’s Video shown above, see the arrow pointing to the right beside the word “Share”

3) Click on “Share” and then click on “Embed”

4) Embed text ‘code’ will be shown. Click on the word “COPY” in the lower right-hand corner and copy the code for embedding the video in the Resource eVideo Library

5) Go to the DashBoard and go to ‘NAHLE Videos.’ Under ‘NAHLE Videos’ select “Add New” and click on it.

6) Type in the top text bar the ‘Name of Video’

7) Then notice in the upper right hand corner two (2) tabs; Visual and Text. Click on “Text”

8) Now place your curser or hand in the upper left hand corner of the large screen. Copy the ‘Embed Code’ from the YouTube video page in to the text or programming part of the Dashboard’s Add New Video.

9) Choose “Video” as your ‘Category’ by clicking in the box beside the word ‘Video.’ This should make a white checkmark in a blue box.

10) Underneath ‘Category’ it will say ‘eVideo Category.’ Choose the “eVideo Category” and click on the eVideo Category you want the video to be found by 3-tier search. If you don’t see a category to place your new video, then create a “category’ for the video to be found under the 3-tier search.

11) Under ‘Publish’ click “Update”

12) Check website to see if video comes up by search the eVideo Library