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Hand Dryers: What You Need to Know About Maintenance, New Tech

BUILDINGS staff writer Sarah Kloepple chats with Bill Gagnon, vice president of sales and marketing with Excel Dryers, about all things hand dryers—including maintenance, ADA compliance, misconceptions and new innovations in recent years. Listen here >>

Labor costs factoring into how deals are done

Hotel News Now 02 JULY 2019 8:12 AM Increasing labor costs are starting to filter into how both buyers and sellers look at hotel assets, according to experts on the Lodging Industry Investment Council. Read More…

How To Select a New Roofing System

FacilitiesNet by By Kenneth J. Brzozowski  At first thought, the selection of a new or replacement roof appears to be a straightforward decision based primarily on cost and convenience. A more thorough analysis reveals that there are a surprisingly large number of factors and considerations that should guide the selection of the roof system. Just [...]

Legionnaires’ Being Investigated at Flint Hospital

FacilitiesNet – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services(MDHHS), Genesee County Health Department and federal health officials have opened an investigation into how a patient developed Legionnaires’ disease while…Read more

3 Tips to Elevate Your Hotel’s Guest Experience with Outdoor Lighting

Lodging Engineer – Spring 2019 - Jim Morris of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives discusses how professional architectural and landscape lighting can impact your guests’ hotel experience and drive revenue to your property…Read More

Enhanced Sprinkler Protection for Hotels in the Wildland-Urban Interface

Enhanced Sprinkler Protection for Hotels in the Wildland-Urban Interface  Lodging Engineer Magazine – Spring 2019 Issue #32 “Threat from catastrophic fires is now largely from the outside, the result of structure exposure to massive wind-driven wildfires.” Adding external sprinklers to an existing sprinkler system is  possible at a modest cost.

‘Summerizing’ your Hotel’s Irrigation and Sprinklers Systems

Summerize Your Hotel’s Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems  Lodging Engineer Magazine – Spring 2019 Issue #32 It is important to do some basic checks now on your property’s irrigation system so that you will be prepared to keep your hotel’s landscaping both visually appealing and well hydrated over the coming months.

Silicone Tape One of the Best Kept Secrets of Hotel Maintenance

Lodging Engineer – Spring 2019 Issue #32 Silicone Tape – One of the Best Kept Secrets of Hotel Maintenance X-Treme Tape discusses many of the varied uses of silicone tape in hospitality maintenance

From Reactive to Predictive: A Shift in Facilities Management Practices

HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILDINGS HPB By Brian Ratcliff The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies has exploded in recent years, bringing with it major implications for building management. Today’s businesses are rethinking the way they operate their facilities, using IoT and analytics to transform operations from reactive to predictive-based. Forward-thinking facility managers are….READ [...]





How sustainable hotels are conserving water

Hotel News Now By  Sean McCracken   A typical hotel uses a lot of water in a day, between serving guest needs and essential back-of-house operations such as laundry. But failing to properly manage that use, and reduce it when possible, is a problem and a top obstacle for hoteliers and hotel companies focused [...]

Hotel Preventive Maintenance: The Essentials

Hospitality Net By Lillian Connors, Senior Digital Marketing Strategist at Bizzmark Committing to preventive maintenance in the hotel industry involves an extensive knowledge of the hotel’s systems, equipment, and utilities, as well as the most effective routes of intervention. Above all, care must be taken not to interrupt the flow of hotel guests. Out of all [...]

5 tips to combat human trafficking in hotels

Hotel Management by Elliott Mest | Putting an end to human trafficking in hospitality requires a conscious effort from on-property staff, and from check-in to check-out there are a laundry list of indicators hoteliers can look for and best practices they can implement to save victims and catch traffickers. Here are five steps hotels can take today…READ MORE…

Marriott International Has Trained 500,000 Hotel Workers to Recognize the Signs of Human Trafficking

Hotel News Resource Marriott International today announced that, as of this month, it has successfully trained 500,000 hotel workers to spot the signs of human trafficking in its hotels and how to respond if they do, marking a watershed moment in the global fight against this multinational crime. “Human trafficking is a horrific form of [...]

Cost Effective Cuts

Facilities Management Journal – by John Rimer How Little O&M Energy Use Adjustments Can Yield Big Savings – For the past decade or two, the latest and greatest advances in design methodologies and sustainable products have garnered much of the attention and headlines. However, many FMs may be continually perplexed by the millions of dollars [...]

The Development of ISO Standards for the Unique Needs of Facilities Management

Facilities Manager By Theodore J. Weidner, Ph.D., P.E., AIA, CEFP, DBIA There are hundreds of standards used to design facilities, ranging from those discussing how to protect human life from fire, electricity, high-pressure steam, or other hazards, to those conveying procedures to ensure load-carrying capacity to resist the forces of gravity, wind, earthquakes, and snow [...]

When Diversity and Inclusion Become Second Nature

Facility Manager – November/December 2018 By Matt Adams, P.E. It can be said that the move toward diversity started in 1964 with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. If you can’t remember it from your history class, this act prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, [...]

Resilience In HVAC Design

Facility Executive – By Eric Nyenhuis Rome was not built in a day, and neither is resilient HVAC infrastructure. It requires vision, focus, and collaboration bringing together varied expertise around common goals such as efficiency, reliability, ease of maintenance, and lowest total life cycle cost. Resilient infrastructure provides the ability for an organization to carry [...]